Laneway Suite Requirements
Deciding whether your property is suitable for a new Laneway Development can be challenging, however, we broke down parts of the By-Law to simplify this decision for you. Here are some essential requirements your Laneway House would need in order to proceed with your new design project.
Permitted Building Types:
Laneway suites are permitted on all R-zoned lots containing detached, semi-detached, duplex, and row houses. They are not permitted in mixed MCR or CR zones.
Units per Lot:
A laneway suite is permitted to be a third unit on a lot in all R-zones. Where fourplexes are allowed, the laneway suite may be the fourth unit. Where fiveplexes are allowed, the laneway suite may be the fifth unit.
Use Requirements:
Laneway Suites may provide living accommodations, food and preparation facilities, short-term rentals, and home occupation if it is principally occupied as a residence.
Lot Line:
A laneway suite must be on a lot with a rear lot line or side lot line abutting a lane for at least 3.5 metres.
The landscaping requirements will be determined by the lot frontage between the rear of the main residence and the front of the laneway suite.
A) 6.0 m or less = min 60% for soft landscaping
B) 6.0 m or more = min 85% for soft landscaping
C) Between suite and abuting lane = min 75% for soft landscaping
Minimum Rear and Side Yard Setback:
If the rear lot line does not abut a street or lane and there are no openings such as vehicle access, doors or windows in the rear main wall of the Laneway Suite then the minimum set back is 0.0 metres. In all other cases the minimum would be 1.5 metres.
Minimum Separation Between Laneway Suite and Main building:
The Laneway Suite can be no less than 5.0 metres from the main residence if the height of the suite is no greater than 4.0 metres. The Laneway Suite can be no less than 7.5 metres if the height of the Laneway Suite is greater than 4.0 metres.
Max Length, Width, Height:
Maximum length for a Laneway Suite is 10.0 m and the maximum width is 8.0 m. The height of the Laneway Suite is determined by the distance between the main residence and the Laneway Suite. If the distance between the two buildings is from 5.0 to 7.5 m, then the height would be 4.0 m. If distance is more than 7.5 m, then the height can go up to 6.0 m. Any Laneway Suite can only have a maximum of 2-storeys.
If a lot contains a laneway suite, then no parking spaces are required for any dwelling units.
Emergency Vehicle Access:
There must be a minimum width of 0.9 m of unobstructed access to the Laneway Suite and must be within 45.0 m of curb access from a fire hydrant. If the distance to the nearest public hydrant is greater than 45.0 m, then a private hydrant may be required.
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